Inbound marketing happens when an internet user searches for a keyword related to your specific industry.
When the customer seeks out you as apposed to you seeking out the customer, you can erase the confrontational nature of the sales process. You will become the master of your own destiny! Sound good? It really is amazing the way psychology plays a role in the sales process. When a client or candidate finds you as opposed to you cold calling them, the whole game becomes much more enjoyable. Here is all you need to know about Inbound Marketing for a Recruiting Firm. 16 ways to start today.
The reason that inbound marketing is perfect for the recruitment industry is easily understood. When you create a campaign based on a specific buyer persona you are trying to attract a specific client. This is exactly the same for targeting candidates. Let’s imagine that you are working for a recruitment company who specializes in graphic designers in the manufacturing industry. You would use long-tail keywords which would typically be used by candidates when searching for jobs online. You could try “interview tips for graphic designers in the manufacturing industry”. The specificity of the keywords will increase your ability to rank for your specific keywords. I think you are starting to get it.
Here is the steps for an inbound blog for a recruitment firm.
- Develop a few buyer personas – If you are only looking for candidates, you can create one for each type of position that you are trying to fill. If you are also looking for a new client, you should add a few for your ideal customer as well. (buyer persona worksheet)
- Keywords research and SEO Optimization – Again, you want to be as specific as possible with your keywords. Be sure to use search phrase based keywords (answer the public)
- Create a blog – I say create, because there is more to a blog post than just writing compelling content, it must be optimized with a CTA (connected to a great landing page), Meta data tags, images, backlinks, and internal links to name a few. Shoot for 1000 words or more.
4) Promote your content – Congrats on creating an optimized blog post! Now you have to make sure someone reads it, or better yet clicks on your CTA and converts to a lead on your landing page.
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Create useful Content

Creating content is fun, you get to communicate your ideas to your audience. A blog is a great was to share your content. Your customer has a problem they are facing, you can address this problem in your blog.“Create content that teaches. You can’t give up. You need to be consistently awesome.” Neil Patel. Define a problem: Steve is a recruiting manager for a medium size firm and he is having trouble finding qualified graphic designers consistently. By providing some helpful information or tips for finding graphic designers in your company blog, you will build some interest and more importantly trust from your audience. Your blog must be easily accessed by your prospective clients and should have some design aspects considered.
Let people know about your blog, use Social Media to share your content. Promote your blog with Google analytics and SEO optimization will assist you with visits and conversions. Use long-tail key words for you blog titles and be specific. Although grammar and spelling are very important, focus on the readability and don’t spend too much time on each blog post. As Susanna Gebauer from The Social M’s says “Blog audiences know that you are not the New York Times.””They know that you don’t have 3 editors checking every post”, so don’t freak out about every blog post being 100% perfect.
Try to have a constant stream of new content available for your readers. Most importantly, if you are thinking that a blog is not for you, a blog will also increase web traffic to your company website and help develop your companies online personality. Blogging will allow you to do all this while simultaneously promoting company events, job fairs, industry news and much more.
Sign up Form
Having a sign up form as a requirement to get your free content is key, buyers today are savvier than ever before, they consume different content at different times in different ways. Begin the sales process: by having a potential client opt in and give you their e-mail address, phone number and name. Your new prospect can self identify on the sign up form as a specific Buyer Persona. Buyer personas are semi-fictional representations of your ideal customers. You can also create buyer personas for the customers you don’t want to do business with. Having multiple buyer personas will allow you to tailor your content to a specific niche market. Buyer personas include demographics, age, work role, company size, common issues or problems. You want to start with your most important customers, build a buyer persona for your best customers using as much detail as possible. Make sure you include a few options and a category for “other”. Having too many buyer personas can be a negative, because you want to have a few areas of specialization.10 steps for Results Driven Content Marketing
Email Marketing
Having a sign up form as a requirement to get your free content is key, buyers today are savvier than ever before, they consume different content at different times in different ways. Begin the sales process: by having a potential client opt in and give you their e-mail address, phone number and name. Your new prospect can self identify on the sign up form as a specific Buyer Persona. Buyer personas are semi-fictional representations of your ideal customers. You can also create buyer personas for the customers you don’t want to do business with. Having multiple buyer personas will allow you to tailor your content to a specific niche market. Buyer personas include demographics, age, work role, company size, common issues or problems. You want to start with your most important customers, build a buyer persona for your best customers using as much detail as possible. Make sure you include a few options and a category for “other”. Having too many buyer personas can be a negative, because you want to have a few areas of specialization.10 steps for Results Driven Content Marketing
Targeting Leads
Targeting specific leads and customers will really allow you to tailor your sales and marketing campaigns to target specific buyer personas. You will now be able to create custom offers for each buyer in the particular part of the buyers journey that they are in. In other words, you can now have multiple offers for each buyer persona to offer them as they travel through the process of buying your product or service. You will also get a sharp increase in repeat business and activate those old clients you haven’t heard from. Interestingly, you will also be able to interact with candidates through segmentation. For example, you may have an opening for Graphic Designers which needs to be filled yesterday, you can segment your candidates into each industry by categories. You will need a good CRM to help you with this, good thing you know us because we can hook you up with a good free CRM.
Learn about Growth Driven Design for Recruitment Agencies
Meet in person
The best way to build rapport and foster a long-term business relationship in to meet in person. According to meeting in person is a great way to make an impression and create a connection with your prospect. “I love new technologies that allow me communicate with others more freely and quickly. But as a business owner, I try to remember customers want to work with someone they can relate to, not just buy from.” You don’t hear this as much recently, but I really advocate it. I can’t tell you how many times I have had a few decent phone calls and e-mail interactions only to lose the prospects interest. Meeting in person creates a bond, however small it is. The prospect may remember your smile, or your shoes, or maybe your cologne. Remember sales involves a lot of psychology.
Have a Timeline and Goals
The best part about inbound marketing is that you can monitor and measure your success easily. However; if you don’t set SMART goals you are wasting your time. Having a clearly defined sales process as well as a good CRM system is very helpful with goal setting and monitoring progress. You must have revenue and conversion goals, as well as a timeline of benchmarks in order to reach your established goals. I recommend having a goal for Visits, Contacts and Customers. Your goal should include how many of each you expect to have with each campaign. Revenue goals vary depending on your specific industry. In the beginning you can reference your competitors in order to find a temporary goal. For me, having clearly defined goals is the only way to hold myself accountable. I am a procrastinator by nature, I would still be talking about starting a business if I didn’t decide to take action by setting goals. Start with this easy step by step road-map.
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